A woman breastfeeding her newborn while drinking tea | Source: Shutterstock
A woman breastfeeding her newborn while drinking tea | Source: Shutterstock

New Mom Slammed after Naming Her Baby after Food: 'That Little Girl Is Doomed'

Ayesha Muhammad
Oct 23, 2023
02:30 P.M.

When a new mother chose to name her newborn after her favorite food, not everyone shared in her joy and excitement. Much to her astonishment, she faced a barrage of negative comments online, with critics condemning her choice and citing potential disadvantages for the child as they grew up.

A woman breastfeeding her newborn while drinking tea | Source: Shutterstock

A woman breastfeeding her newborn while drinking tea | Source: Shutterstock

Choosing a child's name is a deeply personal and significant decision for parents, as it becomes an essential part of the child's identity, connecting them to their heritage and family legacy. The emotional bond between the name and the child strengthens the parent-child relationship, fostering a sense of belonging and pride in one's roots.

Names also play a crucial role in societal interactions. While unique names celebrate individuality, overly unconventional ones might lead to social challenges. Striking a balance between uniqueness and societal acceptance is essential. A name that is easily pronounceable and culturally neutral can positively shape a child's social interactions, promoting self-assurance and social integration.

New parents kissing their baby girl | Source: Shutterstock

New parents kissing their baby girl | Source: Shutterstock

Furthermore, a meaningful name boosts a child's self-confidence, empowering them to embrace their uniqueness with pride. As children grow into adults, their names play a role in academic and professional contexts. Culturally neutral and easily recognizable names can enhance professional opportunities and interactions, contributing to their overall self-esteem and success.

A mother kissing her little girl in a garden | Source: Pexels

A mother kissing her little girl in a garden | Source: Pexels


Additionally, naming a child is a legacy passed down from parents, preserving family traditions and honoring ancestors. Parents bear the responsibility of choosing a name that empowers their child, inspiring confidence and self-worth. This act of love and commitment profoundly influences the child's self-perception, relationships, and achievements, shaping their life journey in significant ways.

In the digital age, a child's name can become a topic of discussion online, dividing opinions. A woman found herself in a similar situation when her choice of name for her little one sparked a fierce debate.

Some expressed concerns, emphasizing that while naming a child is a profoundly personal decision, parents should be mindful to prevent potential bullying of their children.

A grandmother holding her little granddaughter | Source: Shutterstock

A grandmother holding her little granddaughter | Source: Shutterstock


In April 2023, a post emerged on Reddit, later removed by its original poster, where the woman's mother proudly introduced her unique granddaughter to the world. The grandmother delightedly shared a snapshot of her new family member, unveiling the baby's extraordinary name: "Avocado," although the spelling had been altered to "Avacado."

Accompanying the adorable photo was another picture featuring Avocado's older brother, Nicholas. In the caption, the grandmother expressed her joy, exclaiming, "It's official – my daughter has given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Now, their family is complete. Welcome, baby Avacuddo (sic). Nicholas now has a baby sister."

A happy grandmother hugging her young granddaughter | Source: Shutterstock

A happy grandmother hugging her young granddaughter | Source: Shutterstock

This revelation showcased the family's happiness and the arrival of a new member, marked by the distinctive and unconventional choice of the baby girl's name. Excited to commemorate a significant family event, both the grandmother and the new mother were entirely unaware of the online world's response to their seemingly happy announcement.


The new mother's choice of her baby's name elicited varied responses. The online community held onto the hope that it might be a mere nickname rather than the official name on the birth certificate.

Users expressed astonishment at the chosen name, causing them to overlook the resemblance between the two siblings. Some expressed concerns, emphasizing that while naming a child is a profoundly personal decision, parents should be mindful to prevent potential bullying of their children.

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 17, 2023 | Source: facebook.com/DailyMail

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 17, 2023 | Source: facebook.com/DailyMail

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 15, 2023 | Source: reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 15, 2023 | Source: reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk


The people on social media platforms expressed their concern and criticism regarding the baby's unusual name. "That little girl is doomed," read one comment. "God I hope so. Because if not that poor kid is doomed," echoed a second one. "Thoughtless and unkind to do that to your child," said a third remark.

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 17, 2023 | Source: facebook.com/DailyMail

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 17, 2023 | Source: facebook.com/DailyMail

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 17, 2023 | Source: facebook.com/DailyMail

User comment on the story about the new mother naming her daughter after her favorite food, dated April 17, 2023 | Source: facebook.com/DailyMail


"As a teacher, I have seen the cruelty inflicted on children with unusual names," wrote a netizen. "There should be a test you have to pass to be a parent," highlighted another user. Additionally, some individuals pointed out the family's inconsistent spelling of the name. In the text, it was written as "Avacuddo," while in the accompanying picture, it appeared as "Avacado."

The online community debated whether this inconsistency made the situation better or worse. Amidst the critiques, one commenter made a humorous remark, suggesting that the unique name might lead to a positive perspective on weight, allowing the child to claim it as a "healthy kind of fat."

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think the woman should consider changing her daughter's name after the online reaction, or should she stick to her choice regardless of people's opinions and comments?

Click here to read another story about a mother who "genuinely" hated her pregnant daughter after learning her grandson would be named after her dad.

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