Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

Child Finds Out Dad's Wife Is Cheating On Him, Got Her Fired from Job and Had Her Lover Arrested

Salwa Nadeem
Aug 30, 2023
09:00 A.M.
  • A woman saw her father's wife at a hotel pool with another man.
  • She wanted to tell her father immediately but waited for the right time.
  • The woman opened up on Reddit about how she took revenge on her father's wife after catching him with another man.

A woman caught her father's new wife cheating on him about 1.5 years after they tied the knot. She posted in the "ProRevenge" forum on Reddit to share what happened after she learned about the infidelity.

The woman revealed this was not the first time her stepmother was involved with another man. About a year ago, her father had almost finalized the divorce when his wife left him for the same man she was caught with this time.

A happy couple | Source: Shutterstock

A happy couple | Source: Shutterstock

The Redditor's father allowed his wife back into his life because she claimed her lover beat her and didn't love her. She convinced her husband not to finalize the divorce but cheated on him again a few months later. However, she had no idea that the Redditor knew about it.


How Did the Woman Learn about Her Stepmother's Infidelity?

Before sharing how she took revenge on her father's wife, the woman revealed that she saw her stepmother with her lover at a hotel pool. Instead of confronting her, the woman took photos and left the hotel with her husband.

A couple arguing while sitting on a couch | Source: Shutterstock

A couple arguing while sitting on a couch | Source: Shutterstock

Feeling furious, she wanted to show the photos to her father immediately because she felt terrible that his wife was cheating on him. She wanted him to know the truth, but she and her husband later realized they could do much more with the photos.

The woman also shared that her father always financially supported his wife and her children. Only recently did she land a good job where she was in contact with the company's owner.

A woman crying while holding her phone | Source: Shutterstock

A woman crying while holding her phone | Source: Shutterstock

According to the Redditor, the woman had an affair with the business owner, which led her to almost own 30% of the company. The Redditor and her sisters believed their stepmother succeeded because she was romantically involved with the recently divorced company owner.

Although the Redditor did not have proof regarding her stepmother's affair with the business owner, she went ahead with her revenge plan, which included talking to the company owner about their relationship.

A woman standing in front of a building | Source: Shutterstock

A woman standing in front of a building | Source: Shutterstock


The woman knew her father's wife had to be in the office instead of the hotel pool, so she called her office and asked the person on the phone to transfer her call to him. She added that everyone at the office knew about her because her stepmother pretended to love her.

How Did the Woman Take Revenge?

While talking to the company owner on the phone call, the Redditor told him about her stepmother's affair with the other man, saying she should have been at work that day.

A white paper with the word "revenge" | Source: Shutterstock

A white paper with the word "revenge" | Source: Shutterstock

After going silent for a few seconds, the man asked why he should believe the Redditor. She immediately offered to send him the photos she had clicked at the hotel pool, and he agreed. She recalled:


"I send the pics and get no response."

Meanwhile, she worked on the second part of her revenge. She knew the man she saw in the pool with her stepmother was a member of the gym she worked out at. She was also aware of the ongoing rumor that the man was selling steroids to other gym members.

Hoping the gym management would cancel his membership, the Redditor lied that he had tried to sell steroids to her. She withdrew her membership and told the management she felt unsafe going there. Little did she know her lie would soon turn into something big.

An empty gym | Source: Shutterstock

An empty gym | Source: Shutterstock

Soon after talking to her stepmother's boss and the gym management, the Redditor learned that her efforts had worked. Her father's wife lost her job, and her dream of becoming a co-owner died. Her boss created a scene after looking at the photos sent by the Redditor.


Meanwhile, the gym management felt suspicious about the other man, so they checked his locker. Instead of finding steroids, they stumbled across an unregistered handgun and immediately reported it to the police.

The Redditor also shared the photos with her father, which made him kick his wife out of his house while her children lived with him. According to the Redditor, her father was trying to keep everything stress-free for the children, while their mother refused to see them.

A woman screaming | Source: Shutterstock

A woman screaming | Source: Shutterstock

Moreover, the woman knew her stepdaughter had clicked her photos at the pool and showed them to everyone. One day, the Redditor got a message from her stepmother. She was fuming with anger and said that the Redditor "ruined" her life.


At the end of the post, the Redditor summarized her revenge story in two sentences, "I caught my dad's wife cheating. So I got her fired from her job, got her boyfriend arrested(oops), and now she holed up in a hotel."

Do you think the woman did the right thing by clicking her stepmother's photos and sharing them with her father? Should she have shared the pictures with her stepmother's boss?

Here is another story about a woman who woke up to find her husband sleeping in her son's bed with another woman.

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